Session Descriptions

August 9th Morning Sessions:

Using Video Creation Tools to Demonstrate Learning 
Facilitator: Richard Byrne
This session focuses on using free video mash-up tools that can be used by students in any content area to demonstrate their understanding of the content. This session will also include a brief discussion about copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons licensing.

Gmail (Basics, Tricks, Calendar)
Facilitator: Dean Emmerson
RSU1 is moving to Google Apps for Education, which means new email and calendar services for all staff!  This session will provide a more in-depth look at Gmail, such as composing messages, managing contacts, creating groups, and organizing messages.  We will also learn to use Google Calendar functions such as creating events, inviting others to events, and sharing calendars.

August 9th Afternoon Sessions: 

Developing a Powerful PLN (Personal Learning Network)*Facilitator: Richard Byrne
This session is for those teachers who want to expand their professional learning opportunities beyond the traditional in-service days, occasional conference, and graduate course. If you've tried Twitter before, but you "just don't get it," this is the session for you. 

Back-Channeling in the Classroom*
Facilitator: Richard Byrne
Back-talk in the classroom is not good, but back-channeling is great! In this session participants will learn about free micro-blogging services, polling services, and chat services that they can leverage to improve in-classroom conversations and extend those conversations beyond the physical classroom. These techniques will get even the most shy of students involved in classroom discussions.

*Please note: Developing a Powerful PLN and Backchanneling in the Classroom can be taken separately (e.g you can only take one) or together for maximum impact.

Google Apps for Educators
Facilitator: Matthew Davis, Kyle Jongerden & Laura Phelps
So, we're moving to GMail, to Google Calendars, to all these Google Tools.  Great, so what can it do beyond giving you limitless storage space, fast web access and cool calendaring tools?  To answer my own question: transform your classroom. We'll focus primarily how Google Docs can change your teaching, with collaborative reading, writing, and editing.  If we have time, we'll discuss a bunch of other Google tools.  A great follow up to the GMail and Calendar session on your way to becoming a Google Pro.

August 10th Morning Sessions:

Mind Mapping, Timelines, and Collaborative Brainstorming
Facilitator: Richard Byrne
In this session participants will explore free web-based tools they can use with their students for creating timelines, graphic organizers, and other formats for recording and synthesizing information and ideas.

Online Resources for K-2 Students
Facilitator: Laura Phelps
Finding and using developmentally appropriate online resources for our youngest learners can be challenging!  This session will focus on high quality free online tools available for K-2 students with an emphasis on literacy-related resources.  We will also discuss good management strategies and best practices for the use of technology in the early elementary classroom. 

August 10th Afternoon Sessions:

Google Across the Curriculum
Facilitator: Richard Byrne
In this session participants will learn about the lesser known tools offered by Google to classroom teachers. This session goes beyond search and introduce participants to the Google Docs suite, Google Books, Google Groups, and other Google tools. 

Making the Most of your MLTI Software
Facilitator: Kyle Jongerden
Do you find that you use the same software over and over again?  Have you wondered what some of the icons in your dock represent? Your MLTI MacBook is full of amazing software! In this session we'll explore the many useful tools that come on all MLTI machines and you will discover some surprising ways to engage your students. 

August 11th Morning Sessions:

Literacy in the 21st Century
Facilitator: Laura Phelps
What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?  Has technology changed the meaning of "literacy"?  How can we ensure that our students have the skills that they need in a fast-moving technological society, while at the same time maintaining deep, critical thinking skills?  This session will include both conversations about "new literacies" and an exploration of all things "e" (ebooks, e-reading, e-writing).

Web Searching 
Facilitators: Kyle Jongerden and Dean Emmerson
Join Kyle and Dean for a session in which you will explore various search engines and advanced search features.  Learn to limit and shape your search results in Google to get the information you really need, or to compare topics from different perspectives.  Try out search engines that provide results in more than the usual list.   

August 11th Afternoon Sessions:

Creating and Using ePubs
Facilitator: Matthew Davis
Do you love books? Do you love reading?  Do you love writing?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you.  ePubs digital books which you can transfer onto a Nook, Kindle or iPad.  You can embed pictures, video, and format it to your hearts content.  ePub books are the perfect project for any grade from making a classroom book to powering a school's literacy magazine.  If time permits, we'll talk about digital publishing options, where your class can sell or give away digital and physical copies of your book.
Come with some materials: text, photos, videos -- whatever you want to put in your book.

Facilitator: Kyle Jongerden
Podcasts are a versatile and easy way to communicate, collaborate and share!  Especially powerful for auditory learners, podcasts can also be a great way to support fluency instruction and create connections between your classroom and the world.  In this session, we'll cover the basics of how to create a podcast using GarageBand and also explore Web 2.0 tools that can be used to share podcasts. Come discover how podcasts can be used to increase student engagement!

August 12th Morning Sessions:

Gmail (Basics, Tricks, Calendar)
Facilitator: Dean Emmerson
RSU1 is moving to Google Apps for Education, which means new email and calendar services for all staff!  This session will provide a more in-depth look at Gmail, such as composing messages, managing contacts, creating groups, and organizing messages.  We will also learn to use Google Calendar functions such as creating events, inviting others to events, and sharing calendars.

Infinite Campus
Facilitator: Matthew Davis
Harness the (infinite) power of Infinite Campus to better examine your classroom.  We'll focus on Ad-Hoc reporting (geek speak for lots of fun data to look at), the new teacher tools being introduced, then tips, and tricks.  We'll also do Q&A afterward, answering all of your lingering IC questions. 

August 12th Afternoon Sessions:
Google Apps for Educators
Facilitator: Matthew Davis
So, we're moving to GMail, to Google Calendars, to all these Google Tools.  Great, so what can it do beyond giving you limitless storage space, fast web access and cool calendaring tools?  To answer my own question: transform your classroom. We'll focus primarily how Google Docs can change your teaching, with collaborative reading, writing, and editing.  If we have time, we'll discuss a bunch of other Google tools.  A great follow up to the GMail and Calendar session on your way to becoming a Google Pro.

Round Table Discussion on the 1:1 Classroom
Facilitator: Dean Emmerson
Participants in this session will engage in a discussion with colleagues about the 1:1 classroom.  How has 1:1 transformed the classroom, or has it?  What is working for teachers and students?  What are the challenges?   Be prepared to share ideas and concerns at this open discussion about MLTI and 1:1, and at least one example of good practice, yours or that of someone else.